In this newsletter, you can learn about the following technologies. We will have the opportunity to download the full slides.
Holst Center | Laser Die Transfer at Holst Centre
Yole Intelligence | Status of the MicroLED Industry
CEA | Key challenges for hybridizing GaN micro LEDs and CMOS circuits
3D-Micromac | Laser Technology for the Production of MicroLED
To learn more about MicroLED, please join MicroLED Connect.
MicroLED Connect is the world’s first MicroLED Conference and Exhibition taking place on 25 & 26 September 2024 at the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven, Netherlands. Explore the preliminary agenda here.
1. Laser Die Transfer and FAST-CT Process at Holst Centre
Holst Center | October 2023
Here you can learn about the following key points:
Miniaturization of LEDs
Yield and defect management
Laser Printing and the FAST-CT Process
Laser mass transfer from native wafer to substrate with Holst Centre's release stack
Current status/achievements of the technology including release speed, pitch, UPH, Yield, Accuracy, etc
Adaptive pitch and using 100% of wafer space
Comparison with other laser based solutions
Flip chip bonding
Laser printing and control of heat flux
Fine interconnect laser printing
Solder laser printing
2. Status of the MicroLED Industry
Yole Intelligence | November 2023
Here you can learn about the following key points:
Supply chain overview
Examples of manufacturing ramp-ups
Examples of products and prototypes on the market
OLED improvement and roadmap shifting the goal posts
Smartwatch display modules prices and technology for Apple
TV market: price adoption vs price
4K TV Cost breakdown
MicroLED performance differentiation per application
Key differentiations including modular display and in-display sensors
Thin film transistors (TFTs) vs Si-CMOS Microdrivers
MicroLED Panel forecasts by application (base and aggressive scenarios)
3. Key challenges for hybridizing GaN micro-LEDs and CMOS circuits
CEA | November 2022
Here you can learn about the following key points:
Why hybridization of GaN MicroLEDs and CMOS circuits
Approaches towards MicroLED and CMOS Intgeration including hybridization, direct bonding and hybrid bonding
Flip chip hybridization techniques
Hybrid bonding
Monolithic integration
4. LaserTechnology for the Productin of MicroLED
3D-Micromac | November 2022
Here you can learn about the following key points:
Laser solutions for display manufacturing
Laser Lift Off (LLO) Process
LLO Process with microMIRA and technical data including throughput, process time, line beam, etc
LIFT (Laser Induced Forward Transfer): Throughput Calculations
Trimming and Repair on-the-fly
microVGA Trim (technical parameters)